Sunday, August 25, 2019

China Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

China - Assignment Example While taking into account, the â€Å"long-cycle theory†, which stipulates that, a hegemon after being in power for some time is likely to be challenged by an upcoming superpower, thus, China seems to be the perfect challenger. Even though, China intends to become a superpower, it will be difficult for it to achieve this goal since; the world in the past century has embraced the culture of avoiding an all-out war. Moreover, the United States cannot let its place as the number one in the world to be taken since it is aware of the bloodshed, which can be witnessed in the event that such takeover occurs through a great-power war. Yes, when China becomes a superpower, there are many indications that it will threaten the US. These threats will be; political, social, and economic. Firstly, the political threats that China will foster will be the enforcing of authoritarian governments, instead of promoting democracy. China has the reputation of governing its citizens through authoritarian rule. Superpowers maintain their number one position by influencing other nations and governments; therefore, for China to cement its leadership, it will influence various governments to become authoritarian, and this in the process will kill freedom and democracy. Secondly, as a super-power, China would threaten the US through spreading its ideology of communism while denouncing the ideology of capitalism. Thirdly, in recent years, China’s economic influence, particularly with African and Asian countries has been on a steady rise. While considering the above, when China becomes a superpower, it is beyond imagination on how its economic influence will continue to grow. The overwhelming economic growth of China will be a great threat to the US economy. The US strategy towards China should start with the US ensuring that it maintains its position as the world’s superpower. The US ought to show that it is powerful enough, and it is not

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